Recipient Verification

Set passcode or One Time Password (SMS) protection for your document via API

Enable Recipient Verification in your documents - for new documents and for already created ones.

To set up verification on document creation, add verification settings for each recipient in the Create Document endpoint.

To enable verification in the already created documents, add the same setting to the recipient in the
Update Document endpoint.

Verification settings

You can choose between passcode and SMS (text) one-time password verification.

For passcode, verification settings will look like this:

        "verification_place": "before_open",
            "passcode": "SimpleCode1"

A passcode should be between 6 and 100 characters and should contain at least one alphabetic character and at least one numeric digit.

For SMS:

        "verification_place": "before_open",
            "phone_number": "+48123456789"

A phone number should be in the international format: it starts with a plus sign and has a total of between 7 and 15 numeric digits. (+1555667890)

Verification place

You must set the point at which a recipient is verified. It's either before seeing a document (before_open) or before signing it (before_sign). The before_sign option can only be set for signers.

Here's how the passcode entry form looks for a recipient:

Payload Example for Create Document with Recipient Verification

Use this payload to create a Document from a Template with one Signer having Recipient Verification by passcode enabled.
Edit template_uuid to be the id of a Template from your Workspace and adjust role to match one in your Template.

    "name": "One Signer with Recipient Verification",
    "template_uuid": "Pw3syYYAvTU2h3Tx6vqatG",
    "recipients": [
            "role": "Client",
            "first_name": "Signer",
            "last_name": "One",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "verification_settings": {
                "verification_place": "before_open",
                "passcode_verification": {
                    "passcode": "SimpleCode1"