[Editor 2.0] Attachments and collect files fields
November 17th, 2021
We're pleased to inform you that we've added attachments management via API. Now you can easily add a file as an attachment to the document in document.draft
status. You are also able to retrieve details and delete an attachment.
You can attach up to 10 files, and no file can exceed 50MB.
Please check our documentation for more details - Document Attachments.
Collect file fields
In addition, we've added the possibility to access files that recipients uploaded to the document in Document Details response or On Document Status Change webhooks payload. A direct link is placed in the URL
parameter of the collect files field.
"uuid": "oW9RTHp96QMWswTSdE8bsN",
"name": "Upload",
"title": "Upload",
"placeholder": "Upload",
"assigned_to": {
"id": "Fx7CgaVgpGbJBgZ4i5oTx8",
"first_name": "Jane",
"last_name": "Roe",
"email": "john",
"recipient_type": "signer",
"has_completed": false,
"role": "",
"type": "recipient"
"value": {
"name": "file.pdf",
"url": ""