
Update Document

We're thrilled to announce that PandaDoc API starting to support Update Document.

Here are what exactly you can update in the already existing document (draft status only):

  • Recipients - update already existing recipient (email, first name, last name) using recipient ID from Document Details or add new recipients in CC
  • Tags - add new tags
  • Tokens (variables) - update already existing tokens or add new tokens
  • Fields - update field values
  • Metadata - update already existing metadata or add new metadata
  • Pricing table - replace pricing table items with new ones and update the pricing table configuration
     "recipients": [
               "id": "MiySpPNiyhhmFXnDDrrawC",
               "email": "[email protected]",
               "first_name": "New",
               "last_name": "Recipient"
     "tokens": [
               "name": "Favorite.Pet",
               "value": "New Panda"
     "fields": {
          "Favorite.Color": {
               "value": "PandaDoc red"
          "Delivery": {
               "value": "Pick Up"
          "Like": {
               "value": false
          "Date": {
               "value": "2022-08-24T00:00:00.000Z"
     "metadata": {
          "my_favorite_pet": "New Panda"
     "tags": [
     "pricing_tables": [
               "name": "Pricing Table 1",
               "data_merge": true,
               "options": {
                    "Tax": {
                         "is_global": true,
                         "type": "absolute",
                         "name": "Tax",
                         "value": 11
               "sections": [
                         "title": "Sample Section",
                         "default": true,
                         "rows": [
                                   "options": {
                                        "optional": true,
                                        "optional_selected": true,
                                        "qty_editable": true
                                   "data": {
                                        "Name": "New Toy Panda",
                                        "Description": "New Fluffy!",
                                        "Price": 11,
                                        "QTY": 4,
                                        "Tax": {
                                             "value": 21,
                                             "type": "percent"
                                   "custom_fields": {
                                        "Fluffiness": "4 / 5"

204 - Result