Recipients API

Manage recipients after sending a document.

While you can manage document recipients in the 'Draft' (document.draft) status using the Update Document endpoint, these endpoints provide flexibility and allow you to manage recipients even after sending a document. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when using the recipient endpoints.


You should have 'Can Edit Document' permission to edit recipients and 'Can Manage Recipients' permission for other recipient endpoints.

  • You can only add a CC recipient.
  • Adding a CC recipient is allowed in any document status except for 'Expired' (document.voided) and 'Declined' (document.declined). When a document is sent, any added CC recipient receives an instant notification at their email address, allowing them access to the document.

  • Removing a signer is only possible when the document is in 'Draft' (document.draft) status and this action unassign all fields associated with that signer.
  • Removing a CC recipient is allowed in any document status except for 'Expired' (document.voided) and 'Declined' (document.declined). If a CC recipient is removed, their access is revoked.

  • You can edit a signer until they have signed the document.
  • You can edit a CC recipient in any document status except for the 'Expired' (document.voided) and 'Declined' (document.declined).
  • If you update a recipient's email address after sending a document, they receive an instant notification at the new email address, allowing them access to the document. Access via the previous email is revoked. Keep in mind that there are restrictions for updating a recipient's email address: you cannot change emails of PandaDoc users, and you cannot use the email addresses of existing contacts.
  • Any changes you make to a recipient will also update their contact information.

  • You can reassign fields to another signer before the original signer has signed the document. You can choose any person except those recipients who have already signed the document.
  • After you execute the call, the original signer is completely removed from the document. If you wish to retain the original signer as a CC recipient, you can re-add them.
  • If you change the signer in a document that has already been sent, the signer's pre-filled fields are completely reset. In the 'Draft' (document.draft) status, pre-filled fields remain.

Signer vs CC Recipient

To learn more about the differences between signers and CC recipients, visit our Help Center.