Change Signer (Reassign Document Recipient)

Reassign fields to another signer.


Before you start

To change a signer in a document, please ensure that:

  • You have the 'Can Manage Recipients' permission.
  • New signer is already created in your contacts. If not, add them using the Create Contact endpoint.

You can reassign fields to another signer before the original signer has signed the document. You can choose any person except those recipients who have already signed the document.

The endpoint path includes the recipient_id of the original signer and the request body must include the following two parameters:

  • kind: Set this parameter to contact to specify an individual contact.
  • id: Input the ID of the contact you want to use as a replacement for the original signer.

To retrieve the contact's ID, use the List Contacts endpoint to access a list of all contacts, and then locate the desired contact by searching using the name or email address within the returned list.

Once you execute the call to change the signer, the original signer will be entirely removed from the document. If you wish to retain the original signer as a CC recipient, you can re-add them using the Add CC Recipient endpoint.


Pre-filled fields

If you change the signer in a document that has already been sent, the signer's pre-filled fields will be completely reset. In the 'Draft' (document.draft) status, pre-filled fields will remain.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!