Document Delivery via SMS, Email Field Now Optional

Now, you can send PandaDoc documents, collect signatures, gather customer data, and manage your document workflow via text (SMS) messaging.

This update introduces two significant enhancements to PandaDoc API:

  1. Delivery Options: With the introduction of the delivery_methods parameter, you have the power to choose how your recipients receive their documents.
  2. Optional Email Field: We've made the email field optional when creating or updating contacts and recipients, giving you more flexibility in your workflows.



If you're considering SMS delivery, review your setup. Changes may affect your workflow, especially if you rely on email as a required field. If the email is not set for a recipient or contact, the email field returns null in the webhook response, potentially affecting your workflow.

If you don't plan on using recipients or contacts without an email, your workflow will remain unchanged.

Delivery Methods

To update the delivery method for any recipient, use the Update Recipient endpoint. Specify the delivery_methods parameter by choosing between email, sms, or both.

  "delivery_methods": {
    "sms": true,
    "email": false,

If you plan to send a document via SMS, provide the recipient's phone number in an international format with the country code (for example, +12025551234).

If you haven't provided a phone number or have provided it in the wrong format, you will receive a 400 Bad Request error when trying to send a document via the Send Document endpoint.

You can retrieve the existing delivery methods for each recipient via the Document Details endpoint.

Non-mandatory email

The email field is now not required to create and update contacts and recipients.

Changes by API endpoint

POSTCreate ContactAccepts none or null in the email field.
GETList ContactsReturns email: null for contacts without email.
GETContact DetailsReturns email: null for contacts without email. Returnsdelivery_methods field for each recipient.
PATCHUpdate ContactAccepts none or null in the email field.
PATCHUpdate RecipientAccepts none or null in the email field. You can specify optional phone and delivery_methods fields for each recipient.
POSTSend DocumentValidates phone field for recipients with sms delivery mthod.
POSTCreate Document from TemplateAccepts none or null in the email field.
POSTCreate Document from File UploadAccepts none or null in the email field.
POSTCreate Document Section from TemplateAccepts none or null in the email field.
POSTCreate Document Section from FileAccepts none or null in the email field.
PATCHUpdate DocumentAccepts none or null in the email field.