Display All Documents on Opportunity and Account
If you have multiple workspaces and use Pandadoc it is sometimes difficult to see all documents from within Salesforce. Our integration displays documents from your currently logged on the workspace in the PandaDoc Visualforce page.
This guide will show you how to add the PandaDoc Documents related list into your Page layout to see all documents related to an Opportunity.
- Salesforce license with API access
- PandaDoc license
- PandaDoc Salesforce integration + 2-way sync
- Documents are being sent from Opportunity or account
Verify 2-way sync
To display documents you need to ensure data is being synced with Salesforce. This is done via a "Custom Object" called PandaDoc Documents in Salesforce. This may very slightly if you are using Classic or lighting.

Once the documents are displayed the best way to check is to sort by created date and verify you see recently created documents. If you see documents here it means your 2 way sync is working and you can continue.

Modify the Opportunity Page layout
In classic, the easiest way to modify your layout is to click the blue arrow on the right side of salesforce.

Multiple layouts
Please note if you have a larger team you may have multiple page layouts! This will need to be done on each layout you want to see the documents.
Drag "PandaDoc Documents" from the top section into your page layout.

Click the wrench to add more columns.

Select a few fields to add. These will show up on your opportunity.

Expand the buttons section and remove the "new" and "Change owner" buttons. These would allow your users to create a new PandaDoc entry in salesforce that would have no PandaDoc Document attached to it.

Verify it on the Opportunity
After saving your layout go back to your Opportunity and check out the new list of PandaDoc Documents.

Account Layout
The process is exactly the same for the account layout.
- Edit Layout
- Add PandaDoc Document related lit
- Remove buttons
- Save
- verify
The one difference is that the account list will display all documents across all opportunities that were associated with the account.
Add "Open in PandaDoc" link
In Salesforce, you can add URL as fields. These fields can be dynamic formula fields that allow you to create custom URL's from other data on the object. The result would look like link below.

Create New Formula Text Field
Navigate to a PandaDoc Document object in Salesforce. If you followed the guide so far this can be done from any opportunity or account with a document. Simply click on the document name in the list.
It should look similar to the below image. Click the blue arrow on the side then "View Fields"

Then click "New" under Custom Fields & Relationships

Select Formula as type and click next

Give the field a good name like "PandaDoc URL", select Text as type, and click next

Copy the following formula into your formula field. The "Open in PandaDoc" text can be changed if you would like the URL to be displayed differently.
HYPERLINK("https://app.pandadoc.com/a/#/document/v1/editor/" + pandadoc__UUID__c, "Open in PandaDoc")

Click next through the remaining windows selecting your desired page layout and security setting.

After completing the field you should see something similar to the image below on the PandaDoc Documents page.

Add Link to related list on Opportunity and Account.
Now that you have a link to click that takes you to the document in pandadoc it would be useful to have this button directly on the Opportunity so you don't have to click into the Document then click again on the URL.
We can do this by going back to our Opportunity page and "Editing Layout"

Find the "PandaDoc Documents" related list and click the wrench to get to the settings.

Add your new field to the layout. Mine is called "PandaDoc URL" I like to put it second in the list so it is always visible.

Save your new layout and check out the new link you have on your opportunity page. The same process can be done to add this link on the account layout as well.

Updated about 1 year ago