Returns the member details of the current user (the owner of the API key).
User - is an account with a license in the Organization.
Member - is a User with a predefined Role in the Workspace.
Parameter | Description |
user_id | A unique identifier of the user in the organization |
membership_id | A unique identifier of the user in the workspace |
email | A user email address |
first_name | A user's first name |
last_name | A user's last name |
is_active | A boolean value that identifies if a member is active and not blocked |
workspace | A unique identifier of the user's current active workspace |
workspace_name | A name of the user's current active workspace |
email_verified | A boolean value that identifies if the email is verified |
role | A member's role in the workspace |
user_license | A user license in the organization: Full (Standard) ; Read-only ; eSignature ; Guest ; Creator |
date_created | A date when a member was added to the workspace |
date_modified | Last modified date of a member |